

疫情反弹导致今年旅游业停摆 马国料损失逾1000亿令吉旅游收入 

来自 / 联合早报 
发布 / 2020年11月13日 3:30 AM 


马国新增冠病确诊病例连续三天下降后,昨天回升,新增919起确诊病例,也是连续第五天单日新增确诊人数呈三位数。马国半岛大部分州属已从周一起实施有条件行动管制令,直至12月6日。此措施对各行各业,尤其是旅游业无疑是雪上加霜。 (

吉隆坡综合讯)马来西亚冠病疫情反弹,旅游业前景不见曙光,政府不得已取消了2020年旅游年活动,马国预计损失超过1000亿令吉(约326亿新元)的旅游收入。 马国新增冠病确诊病例连续三天下降后,昨天又回升,新增了919起确诊病例,也是连续第五天单日新增确诊人数呈三位数。 




马国半岛大部分州属,除了玻璃市、彭亨及吉兰丹州外,已从本周一起实施有条件行动管制令,为期四个星期至12月6日。此措施对各行各业,尤其是旅游业无疑是雪上加霜。 ADVERTISING 3月实施行管令后 旅游年活动被迫取消 马国旅游部长南希苏克里指出,今年3月18日政府首次实施行动管制令(行管令)后,政府就被迫取消了2020年马国旅游年活动。

这意味着,马国无法达到原定今年内吸引3000万国际游客和1000亿令吉旅游收入的目标。 她昨天在国会下议院,以书面答复砂拉越民都鲁区国会议员张庆信提问今年访马中国游客的情况时指出,去年上半年有155万8782人次的中国游客访马,但今年上半年,受冠病疫情影响,有关人次锐减了74%。 

她说:“国外市场或入境游客方面的损失,比国内旅游市场更严重,因为一般上外国游客的消费力比较强,尤其是在住宿、交通、购物及饮食等方面。” 去年国际旅游收入来源国 中国排第二仅次于新加坡 根据旅游部去年的数据,中国是马国第三大国际游客来源国,仅次于新加坡和印度尼西亚。

在国际旅游收入方面,中国则是第二大来源国,排在新加坡之后。 针对一旦重开边境,旅游部会采取什么措施重振旅游业及吸引外国游客,南希苏克里说,东南亚及东亚国家会是旅游部“复苏策略”中首要关注的对象。 她也说,在成功阻断冠病病毒传播后,旅游部还会通过与各机构紧密合作,重塑“马来西亚,亚洲魅力所在”(Malaysia,Truly Asia)的旅游品牌。



PM: CMCO extended till June 9

PM: CMCO extended till June 9

The conditional movement control order (MCO) will be extended for another four weeks until June 9 as public sentiments are also in favour of it, says Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

The Prime Minister said mass movements would not be allowed although major festivals – Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Kaamatan and Hari Gawai (the harvest festival in Sabah and Sarawak respectively) – fall within that period.

“On the advice of the Health Ministry, I am announcing that the conditional MCO, which will end on May 12, will be extended for another four weeks to June 9.

“This means all rules and standard operating procedures (SOP) during the conditional MCO will continue to be enforced until June 9. Any changes to the SOP or list of sectors which will be allowed to operate will be announced from time to time.“There is Hari Raya Aidilfitri, the Kaamatan Feast and Hari Gawai. I remind all of you that the ban on interstate movement stays.

“Many apologies and I beg your forgiveness, but for your safety and health, returning to your hometowns across state borders for Hari Raya purposes will not be allowed.

“When the situation improves, Malaysians can go back to their hometowns to visit their parents or relatives,” he said in a live broadcast on national television yesterday.However, he said visiting close neighbours and families in the same state would be allowed during the festivals, provided that there was a maximum of 20 people gathered at any one time.

He also stated that spouses living in separate states would be allowed to travel, as there were husbands and wives who could not meet during the conditional MCO due to work commitments.

“To those who need to cross states in Sabah and Sarawak, I urge the state governments to give them the flexibility. Applications can be made through the Gerak Malaysia app or by applying to the nearest police station,” he said.

He also said the Islamic Development Department (Jakim) was refining its SOP for congregational prayers in mosques, including Hari Raya Aidilfitri prayers.

The SOP, he added, must first be finalised and presented to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong before it could be made public.

He said the SOP for other houses of worship such as churches and temples was also being drawn up.

On another issue, Muhyiddin said the Finance Ministry was extending the appeal period for Bantuan Prihatin Nasional (BPN) to May 31 and the public could go to the Inland Revenue Board counters from today to appeal.

He said he could not promise that all appeals would be approved, but those who qualified would get what was due.

As of today, 10.6 million people have qualified as BPN recipients involving RM11bil.

The Prime Minister also said although almost all districts in the country had been designated as green zones, the people should not be lulled into a false sense of security.“From 1,178 districts, sections, zones, sub-zones and precincts in the country, 1,112 or 94.4% have been categorised as green zones, 62 or 5.2% as yellow zones and only four or 0.34% as red zones.

“You may think you will not be infected because you are in a green zone but this virus is an unseen, silent enemy. It can strike you any time and anywhere,” he said.

The red zone category is for areas with more than 40 Covid-19 positive cases; orange zone (20-40 cases); yellow zone (one to 19 cases); and green zone (no case).

“Only four areas are red zones: Batu in Gombak, Selangor; Batu in Kuala Lumpur; Kampung Baru in Kuala Lumpur; and Pedas in Rembau, Negri Sembilan.

“To those living outside these areas, do not visit these places for the time being to avoid getting infected,” he said.

Muhyiddin also commended the country for ranking fourth out of 105 countries in terms of people’s satisfaction with the government’s efforts in dealing with the Covid-19 outbreak.

This achievement, he said, was reported in a study done by a research agency based in Singapore.

This will be the fourth time the government has extended the MCO. The order has been implemented in phases from March 18 to 31, April 1 to 14, April 15 to 28 and April 29 to May 12.

On May 4, the government imposed the conditional MCO, which allowed almost all economic sectors to reopen.

~The Star~


Public transport and motorbikes can travel, too

Public transport and motorbikes can travel, too

Bukit Aman has decided to allow public transport and motorcycles to make journeys across state lines.

Federal CID director Comm Datuk Huzir Mohamed said the decision was made after assessing the current situation on the roads.

He said police observed and studied the movement on highways and federal roads yesterday and found traffic to be smooth.

Comm Huzir, however, said only public transportation and motorcyclists with approval from the authorities would be allowed to make the interstate trips.

~The Star~


首相慕尤丁宣布 行管令再延至512

首相慕尤丁宣布 行管令再延至512



















MCO Phase 4 from April 29 to May 12

MCO Phase 4 from April 29 to May 12

The Movement Control Order (MCO), currently in its third phase, has been extended by another two weeks until May 12.

This was announced by Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin in a special televised broadcast today.

Muhyddin also did not rule out the possibility of another extension beyond May 12, subject to how the situation develops.

"During this period, the government will study the latest data from the Health Ministry to determine the next steps.

"I do not discount the possibility that the MCO may be extended beyond May 12, therefore you may not be able to celebrate Hari Raya in your kampung," he said.

Muhyiddin added that if cases continue to show a downward trend, the government may slightly relax MCO regulations in stages to include several sectors including the social sector.

He also said the government will also allow university students in hostels to return home.

The process to facilitate the movement of some 100,000 students, he added, will be done on the advice of the Health Ministry.

Before they are allowed to go home, all students must be healthy and do not display any Covid-19 symptoms.

"The government may consider a one-time journey for Malaysians who have gone back to their hometowns before the MCO was enforced, to return to their homes.

"As this would involve a big number of people, the government is gathering data and studying the best methods to allow this movement."

Muhyiddin said those who needed to do so would need to register online or make an appointment at the nearest police station.

The MCO was implemented by the government on March 18 as a measure to contain the Covid-19 outbreak.

On March 25, Muhyiddin announced that the first phase of the MCO, which ended on March 31, would immediately be succeeded by a second phase, lasting until April 14.

A third phase was then announced from April 15 to April 28.

~New Straits Times~


MAS: All passengers must wear face masks, starting Thursday (April 23)

MAS: All passengers must wear face masks, starting Thursday (April 23)

All Malaysia Airlines passengers are now required to bring and wear their own protective masks effective April 23, 2020, at touch-points such as check-in, boarding, in the aircraft cabin, disembarkation and collection of baggage on arrival to mitigate the spread of Covid-19.

This requirement applies to all passengers (excluding infant) travelling on all Malaysia Airlines’ domestic, international and charter flights, to ensure the comfort and wellbeing of each passenger and airline employee, it said in a statement here Wednesday (April 22).

Malaysia Airlines will not accept passengers that do not have/wear a face mask at the time of check-in and boarding, it stressed.

"For passengers’ own comfort, especially on long haul flights, you are advised to bring additional masks and hand sanitisers for your own use.”

Passengers are also reminded to respect the personal space of others and observe social distancing where required and to comply with other safety measures in our pre-departure and arrival processes to ensure you have a safe journey.

The safety of its passengers and staff is of utmost importance to Malaysia Airlines. - Bernama


Taxis and e-hailing vehicles to operate from 6am to 10pm

Taxis and e-hailing vehicles to operate from 6am to 10pm

Taxi, e-hailing and delivery services will only be allowed to be on the road for specific hours daily from today during the extended movement control order (MCO), says the Transport Ministry.

“From April 1 onwards, during the MCO, taxis and e-hailing vehicles are allowed to operate from 6am to 10pm.

“Delivery services are allowed to operate between 8am and 8pm, ” the ministry said in a statement yesterday.

The ministry is encouraging logistics and transportation companies involved with delivering essential goods to do so between 7pm and 7am, the most unhindered movement during the extended MCO.

It said operational hours under the MCO for stage buses, express buses, trains and their terminals continue to be limited to 6am to 10am and 5pm to 10pm as announced previously.

The statement said the restriction, covering the two-week extended MCO period, was necessary in line with the government’s efforts to reduce the spread of Covid-19 infections and put the country on the path to full recovery.

“Several difficult decisions had to be made under the second phase of the MCO from April 1-14.

“For measures related to public transportation, they are aimed to further reduce person-to-person contact on buses, rail services, taxis and in e-hailing services, and break potential chains of infection on these modes of transportation, ” the statement added.

The ministry reminded passengers to adhere to regulations and social distancing practices, including reducing crowding while using public transportation during the extended MCO period.

~The Star~



KTMB to suspend interstate, intercity train services from Wed

KTMB to suspend interstate, intercity train services from Wednesday (March 25)

Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB) will be suspending its interstate and intercity train services beginning Wednesday (March 25), and not on Tuesday (March 24) as stated earlier.

According to a statement issued on Monday (March 24), the suspension of the services is until the end of the movement control order (MCO) and the effective date was deferred to Wednesday as many commuters have bought the tickets for tomorrow's train services.

Earlier, its chief executive officer Datuk Kamarulzaman Zainal said with the suspension of the services, only two services - Electric Train Services (ETS) and KTM Intercity - would operate daily, compared to eight in the normal situation.

He said KTM Komuter operation would be reduced to 49 services a day for the Klang Valley and north sector while services of several other trains would be continued to serve certain needs.

"This includes the transporting of medical and food supplies as well as the movement of staff of various critical services involved in the enforcement of the MCO," he said in a statement.

Meanwhile, Kamarulzaman said Skypark Link train services between Kuala Lumpur Sentral Station and Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport in Subang would be reduced to four services daily, against eight before.

However, he said KTMB would fully suspend Ekspres Rakyat Timuran, Ekspres Selatan and Shuttle Tebrau services until the MCO enforcement ended.

"Passengers can make amendments or cancel their tickets via the website www.ktmb.com.my, ” he said.

Meanwhile, Express Rail Link (ERL) in a separate statement, said it would limit its services, effective Tuesday (March 24) until further notice.

ERL said the KLIA (Kuala Lumpur International Airport) Ekspres and KLIA Transit will run as a combined service at 30-minute intervals from 6am to 10am, and 5pm to 10pm daily.

"Please note that there will be no train services at other times,” the statement said.

Also, the journey time between KL Sentral and KLIA will take 35 minutes, while all departures at the KL Sentral Station will be from KLIA Ekspres Departure platform. - Bernama


Penang-Langkawi ferry service suspended

Penang-Langkawi ferry service suspended

THE ferry service from Swettenham Pier Cruise Terminal to Langkawi will be temporarily halted from today till March 31, said Penang Port Sdn Bhd (PPSB) chief executive officer Sasedharan Vasudevan.

Passenger ridership, he said, had dwindled from around 150 to only about 20 people per ferry since the movement control order (MCO) started on Wednesday.

“Operation of the two ferries will be temporarily stopped.

“The ferries run by private companies were taking about 220,000 people a year, but with the MCO, it is not profitable to operate during this period.

“People mainly visit Langkawi either for leisure or work, and presently, both are not possible since all are staying home or working from home, ” said Sasedharan.
v The scene at the port in George Town was quiet, where people usually gather near the ground transport area to board the ferries and cruise liners.

The gates leading to the main Penang Port Commission office were also locked, barring outsiders from entering the premises.

Meanwhile, the Penang International Airport was a picture of calm, with both the arrival and departure lounges being quite deserted.

Only a handful of passengers, all in masks, were waiting for domestic flights, while the electronic flight information board showed the ‘Cancelled’ sign for most of the flights.
v Major fast food outlets at the departure lounge were empty with only several people at the counters for takeaways.

~The Star~

A sandbar walk to remember

A sandbar walk to remember

Visitors are thrilled to take part in the sandbar walk. — Bernama

IT looked as if the sea parted as visitors to Pantai Tanjung Rhu in Langkawi, Kedah, leisurely walked along a 600m sandbar from the beach to nearby islands.

Tanjung Rhu Resort Langkawi senior resident naturalist Zoher Mustan said a sandbar would appear when there is low tide during a full moon.

“The sandbar phenomenon can only be observed once a year, ” he told Bernama last week.

Zoher said that besides Pantai Tanjung Rhu, two other beaches on the island, namely Teluk Datai and Pantai Cenang, had also become popular locations for the sandbar walk activity.

He said visitors also had the opportunity to see at close range various marine species such as clownfish, sea cucumber, moon crab, seahorse and horseshoe crab while walking along the sandbar.

Meanwhile, Langkawi Development Authority (Lada) chief executive officer Dr Hezri Adnan said that previously, the sandbar walk activity was only meant for Tanjung Rhu Resort Langkawi guests but this year, it was opened to a bigger crowd.

“Langkawi is famed for its beautiful landscapes.

“This programme is a joint effort by Lada, Tanjung Rhu Resort Langkawi and other strategic partners to highlight the beautiful natural environment to both domestic and foreign tourists, ” he said.

Hezri also expressed hope that the programme would become a popular annual event at the island. -– Bernama

Visitors stopping on the sandbar to admire the natural beauty of the surroundings. — Bernama


Restricted movement for 14 days

Restricted movement for 14 days

Public measure: The movement control order will limit congregation at religious, sport, social and cultural events.

PETALING JAYA: A movement control order will be imposed from tomorrow until the end of the month to contain the Covid-19 outbreak, says Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

The Prime Minister announced the measure after chairing the National Security Council (NSC) last night.

“The government has decided to enact the measure, starting March 18 until March 31, throughout the whole country.

“This order is being issued under the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Act 1988 and the Police Act 1967, ” he said during a special broadcast.

The measure will restrict the movement and congregation at religious, sport, social and cultural events.

While public and business premises will be closed, Muhyiddin announced that supermarkets, sundry shops and other shops which sell daily essentials will remain open.

Overseas travel for Malaysians will be restricted while those returning to the country must undergo health checks and voluntary quarantine.

Educational centres and schools, including higher learning institutions, will also be closed during this period.

The Prime Minister assured the public that essential services will continue.

These include health services, utilities such as fuel and electricity, along with the Fire and Rescue Department, police and those involved in the food supply chain.

Muhyiddin said he will chair daily NSC meetings and periodic updates will be announced to the public.

He also urged for all Malaysians to be patient during these trying times and to comply with the restrictions.

He assured the public that enough food and essentials are available, including face masks.

But at the same time, he said the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry will monitor the supply of these items.

“I realise the public might feel these actions create difficulties and hardships during their day to day lives. However, such action must be taken by the government to contain the outbreak.

“We cannot wait any longer for the situation to turn more dire. Drastic measures have to be taken immediately, ” he said.

He urged the public not to panic and remain calm.

“I believe that with these measures, we will be able to contain the outbreak soon, ” he said.

Muhyiddin also thanked those directly involved in combating the Covid-19 outbreak, including health officers and public servants who have been working around the clock.

“I pray that you will remain strong in performing your duties for the country to ensure public safety, ” he said.

~The Star~

318至331 全国行动管制

318至331 全国行动管制









1. 全国禁止集会,包括宗教、运动、社会及文化活动。为了执行这项禁令,所有宗教场所、商业单位强制关闭,不过,超市、杂货店及及售卖日常用品的商店则不受影响。特别是伊斯兰教徒,在清真寺及祈祷室的所有宗教活动,包括周五祈祷必须展延。

2. 限制国民出国,国人返国后必须进行14天的自我隔离。

3. 限制外国游客和访客入境。

4. 关闭幼儿园、政府及私人学校,包括寄宿学校、国际学校、宗教学校,以及其他中小学与预科班。

5. 关闭所有本地及私立大专,以及技职学院。

6. 关闭政府及私人界场所,但攸关国家利益的服务(基本服务)不受影响,包括水供、电供、通讯、邮寄、运输、水利、汽油、石油气、燃料、润滑品、广播、金融、银行、卫生、药剂、消拯局、监狱、港口、机场、保安、国防、清洁、零售、食品供应。











MATTA: Malaysia is safe for travellers

MATTA: Malaysia is safe for travellers

Fair bargains: (From left) Only World Group Holdings Bhd founder Tan Sri Richard C.K. Koh, Kho and Phua at the media conference to announce the Cuti-Cuti Malaysia programme.

The Malaysian Association of Tour and Travel Agents (MATTA), which is seeking to shore up domestic tourism, is assuring travellers that Malaysia is safe for holidaymakers.

“Malaysia is safe to travel. And for Malaysians, if the price is right there will be action,” said Rocky Kho, chairman of the oversight committee on MATTA Fair’s Cuti-Cuti Malaysia.

He cited the Finance Ministry’s personal income tax relief of up to RM1,000 on expenses for domestic tourism, which was part of Stimulus Package 2020 announced last month.“That is an incentive for Malaysians to travel domestically,” he told a press conference yesterday that was focused on Cuti-Cuti Malaysia events by MATTA Fair, which will be held on April 4 and 5 at the KL Convention Centre.

MATTA said the event would be the first-ever fully local tourism-centric event under its banner.

While there are no plans to have temperature checks during the event, medical personnel will be on standby.

Amid the drop in the tourism industry globally in view of the Covid-19 outbreak, Kho said the domestic tourism market was there to tap into.

“We really don’t know when this outbreak will be over. We’re praying hard that things will pick up again by May. We are hearing news from China that the numbers would be coming back by the end of April, hopefully,” he said.

MATTA chief executive officer Phua Tai Neng said they would follow guidelines set by the Health Ministry in combating the spread of the Covid-19 virus.

“We are always guided by their advice,” he said.

On another matter, MATTA congratulated Datuk Seri Nancy Shukri for her appointment as Tourism, Arts and Culture Minister.

“We have met with YB before and I think she is a very good minister. She’s very open,” said Phua.

~The Star~


New Tourism Minister pledges effective solutions to boost industry

New Tourism Minister pledges effective solutions to boost industry

New Tourism, Arts and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Nancy Shukri is committed to coming up with effective solutions and long-term measures for the tourism sector.

The Batang Sadong MP said she was aware that many industry players, including airlines, were facing trying times from Covid-19 and falling oil prices.

"With the apparent impact of Covid-19 on the world economy, businesses and routines are adversely affected. Coupled with the downward trend of crude oil prices, it is clear that we have to work harder to overcome the challenges ahead.

"I believe our economy is resilient enough to face these challenges.

"With this new Cabinet line-up, we shall take advantage of all opportunities available to persevere through this crisis," she said in a statement on Tuesday (March 10).

Nancy thanked Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and Sarawak Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg for their trust in appointing her to the Cabinet.

She pledged to put the needs of the country and people first in her ministerial duties and to uphold the principles of fairness and equity.

"I shall endeavour to continue serving the people of Malaysia regardless of race, religion and political alliances.

"My focus will be on delivery with the notion of accountability to the rakyat," she said.

She also assured Sarawakians that Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) would remain focused on preserving and safeguarding the state's constitutional rights and the Malaysia Agreement 1963.
v "To my constituents in Batang Sadong, I am still the same Nancy Shukri you know and will continue to serve you in my capacity as the Member of Parliament of Batang Sadong," she added.

~The Star~


中央变天 居林机场计划有变数

中央变天 居林机场计划有变数














COVID-19: Malaysia bars entry of cruise vessels

COVID-19: Malaysia bars entry of cruise vessels

Malaysia will not to permit entry of cruise vessels to its ports with immediate effect due to the COVID-19 outbreak until the overall situation improves and the spread of the virus is contained, said Health Director-General Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah.

He said in view of the recent resurgence of COVID-19 cases in Malaysia and around the world, various measures were being taken by the Malaysian authorities to contain local transmission and to safeguard public health.

He said entry and transit of cruise vessels, passengers and crew members require considerable medical resources to be made available at ports for screening and treatment purposes.

"During this difficult period, it is important that more medical resources are concentrated at hospitals to attend to medical emergencies and undertake preventive measures.

"As such the Ministry of Health in consultation with other government ministries and agencies has taken the decision not to permit the entry of cruise vessels to Malaysian ports," he said in a Facebook posting today.

Dr Noor Hisham said the Health Ministry aknowledged that the cruise industry is an important component of Malaysia’s tourism sector and has contributed significantly to the Malaysian economy but was hopeful that this is a temporary measure and was confident that the concerted efforts of all parties will assist in resolving the issue at hand soonest possible.








巴生港务局总经理苏巴马连表示,希望这个临时措施的实行及在所有人配合之下,能够尽快解决冠病所带来的问题。 马来西亚是继菲律宾、台湾、香港和日本后,实施游轮禁令的国家。



Curry puff

A curry puff (Malay: Karipap, Epok-epok; ) is a snack of Southeast Asian origin. It is a small pie consisting of curry with chicken and potatoes in a deep-fried or baked pastry shell. The curry is quite thick to prevent it from oozing out of the snack.

A common snack in Malaysia and Singapore, the curry puff is one of several "puff" type pastries with different fillings, though now it is by far the most common. Other common varieties include eggs, sardines, and onions or sweet fillings such as yam.

Curry puffs are enjoyed throughout Brunei, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Myanmar and Thailand. It also shares many similarities with the empanada, a popular pastry in Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking countries.

In Malaysia, curry puffs are commonly found sold freshly fried at many Malay, Chinese and Indian food stalls and even at trendy cafes.

Another Malay version of this snack is known as epok-epok and teh-teh which is smaller than the curry puff. The curry puffs from Indian bakeries differ from epok-epok in the use of 'layered' pastry that creates a flaky crust. Other varieties of the epok epok are filled with a half boiled egg instead of chicken. Another alternative is tinned sardines.There are also vegetarian curry puffs that are in fact not spicy and made from shredded radish, tofu, potatoes and grated carrots. They are often eaten with sweet chili sauce. There is also relatively large and nice looking version of curry puff called shell curry puff sold in shopping malls of Isetan and AEON and others in Malaysia.

Manufacturers have developed a version of the curry puff that can be frozen and later reheated by the consumer. These are suitable for the export market and can be produced in volume for shipment to various regions, such as the Middle East, where there is demand. In addition, new fillings have been experimented with, including tuna and black pepper.

In Indian food stalls in Malaysia, it is quite common to find vegetarian curry puffs with potatoes, carrots and onions as fillings.



Sup Kambing (Mutton Soup)

Sup Kambing or Sop Kambing is a mutton soup from Indonesia, commonly found in Indonesian cuisine and Malaysian cuisine. It is prepared with goat meat, tomato, celery, spring onion, ginger, candlenut and lime leaf, its broth is yellowish in colour.

In Malaysia, sup kambing is associated with Muslim Malaysian Indian community and believed to be of Indian origin. In Singapore, the dish is also associated with the Muslim Indian community of the island.


There are many versions of sup kambing recipes, however there are two main groups of sup kambing traditions; the Indonesian version are derived mainly from Arab, and to some extent, Dutch influences, while Malaysian and Singaporean version is often called as sup kambing Mamak which solely derived from Muslim Indian influences. Other main differences are the Malaysian and Singaporean version consists of the chunks of goat meat in yellowish, rather thick and oily broth with rich spices; while in Indonesian version, the goat meat often also includes its bones (ribs or leg bones), has a lighter broth and balanced spices, and it also contains slices of vegetables including tomato, leek, celery, carrot and sometimes potato.

A simple sup kambing recipe uses goat meat, slices of tomato, leek, celery, and ground spices which includes; ginger, pepper, garlic, shallot and salt. However, another elaborate recipes might add more complex spices, which might includes cardamom, cinnamon, candlenut, nutmeg, clove and star anise to add aroma and taste.






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占地125英亩的朱宾超级水果谷,是由Fig Direct私人有限公司于2016年注资及开发。







Pisang Goreng - Fried Banana

Pisang goreng (fried banana in Indonesian/Malay) is a snack made of banana or plantain, covered in batter or not, being deep fried in hot cooking oil, and is popular in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei.

Pisang goreng is most often associated with Indonesia, and indeed the country has the largest variety of pisang goreng recipes. However, this fried banana snack is also considered native to neighbouring countries; particularly Malaysia, Brunei and Singapore. 

It is consumed as a snack in the morning and afternoon. In Indonesia and Malaysia, pisang goreng is often sold by street vendors, although some sellers have a storefront from which to sell their wares.



Thai ‘kereta sapu’ stealing business from taxi drivers

Thai ‘kereta sapu’ stealing business from taxi drivers

“It is very difficult to earn even RM20 a day. They (Thais) just hop over easily and offer fares that are much lower and steal our customers, ” lamented a 46-year-old taxi driver who wanted to be known only as Amran.

He complained that the situation involving the transport operators from Thailand has persisted for years.

“...depa (they) operate as though they are immune to the law and are free to pick up passengers, ” he said when met at the Padang Besar taxi stand here.

He said these illegal operators not only ferry passengers around Padang Besar but also transport workers of Thai restaurants in Penang, Alor Setar and Seremban to renew their social visit passes at the Padang Besar Customs, Immigration and Quarantine Complex.

Most of these illegal operators, he said, were from Pattani and Songkhla in southern Thailand and carried out their activities during the school holidays and weekends.

Amran disclosed that they had three illegal stands around here, one in front of the Padang Besar Railway Station, another in front of Arked Niaga Padang Besar and the other in front of the Padang Besar Fire and Rescue Station and that it is not difficult to identify the vehicles because they have tinted windows and Thai registration plates.

“When the JPJ (Road Transport Department) officers are on patrol, they just ‘disappear’, ” he said.

“This is all I made today, not even RM20 toiling from morning to evening. If it continues, I don’t know how I will feed my wife and children, ” he said, showing a RM10 note and a few RM1 notes that he had.

Amran said he and several other fellow taxi drivers have lodged complaints with the authorities and even furnished photographs and video recordings of the illegal activities.

“The patrols carried out by the authorities are not enough to stamp out this menace, ” he said.

Also affected by these kereta sapu (pirate taxis) is a fellow taxi driver identified only as Rahmat, 52, who claims that the local taxi drivers are living a hand-to-mouth existence now, unlike five years ago.

He has been in the business over the last 11 years and recounted the good old days when the returns were lucrative with domestic and foreign tourists alike patronising their services because they (tourists) did not have much choice then.

“Now, they (the pirates) not only pick up passengers on the Malaysian side but also bring passengers in and out of Thailand.

“Depa (they) are having the best of both worlds, ” he said.

If kereta sapu and vans are not bad enough, he revealed, there is now the added menace of motosikal sapu (pirate motorcyclists) from Thailand.

The father of four said that, to his knowledge, they are only allowed to operate in Thailand and cannot pick up passengers on the Malaysian side.

Checks by Bernama found the pirate cars, vans and motorcycles from Thailand operating daily, from 10am to 6pm.

During the Chinese New Year festive season, Bernama found about 50 pirate motorcycles operating, charging fares ranging from RM7 to RM10 for a trip to Padang Besar town on the Thai side.

Rahmat said the authorities, including the state government, must think of ways to overcome the problem. “If this is not cleaned up, my taxi will end up a rust bucket, ” he said. — Bernama





以亲近大自然及本地货概念为主的浮罗交怡然布甘度假村(Rebungan Resort Langkawi),吸引首相敦马哈迪的目光。敦马说,他相信该度假村能获得游客的青睐。

























莫哈末丁提到,旅游年宣传将专注在新市场如欧洲、澳洲、中东、中亚、俄罗斯,以及东亚如日本及韩国,以吸引有素质及高消费的游客到我国。他说,该部也为东盟国家市场拟定“速赢”(Quick Win)策略,作为恢复国家旅游业的替代方案。该部将于2月10日至3月,在数个州属举办与民对话会,以获取旅游业者对于恢复旅游业的反馈。“此外,我也将与雪兰莪、槟城、柔佛及沙巴州政府商讨及寻找最佳方案,恢复各州旅游业。”

大马旅游局也受指示,与业者推广“旅游大马”活动,巩固本地旅游及平衡外国游客人数减少情况。 “旅游部也将与马航、马印航空及亚航深入商讨开拓新航线,尤其是欧洲、中东及中亚市场,因为目前许多飞往中国航班已暂停。”



Health screenings at Langkawi International Airport to continue

Health screenings at Langkawi International Airport to continue: Health DG

Health screenings will continue at Langkawi International Airport (LIA) although all direct flights between China and Langkawi Island have been temporarily suspended, Health director-general Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said.

He said passengers and airline crew would continue to be screened by the relevant agencies at the international entry points (PMA).

Dr Noor Hisham said he had the opportunity to see for himself the measures taken by the Health Ministry (MOH) in addressing the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) infection at LIA and the Kuah Ferry Port in Langkawi Island.

“From Jan 25 to 31, 2020, 6,539 passengers and crew from various international destinations arrived via the LIA, while 3,082 came via Kuah Jetty,“ he said in a statement today.

Apart from the two entry points, four other international entries are via Kedah at Bukit Kayu Hitam, Tanjung Lembung Wharf, Telaga Harbour Park and Kota Putra in Durian Burung.

Dr Noor Hisham said since early January this year, health screenings had been intensified at all PMAs nationwide and the good co-operation fostered between the MOH and related agencies had enabled rapid detection of symptomatic travelers.

According to him the National Crisis Preparedness and Response Centre (CPRC) would be notified of suspected cases of coronavirus infection who would then be referred to MOH hospitals which have been identified, while the asymptomatic cases would be provided with a Health Alert Card before they could continue with their travels.

Apart from the health screenings he said, disinfection activities were also being carried out at the entry points to prevent and control the spread of the infection.

Dr Noor Hisham called on all parties to cooperate with the health authorities and agencies involved to protect the public’s health and safety. - Bernama


Pedu Lake offers rich diversity of flora and fauna

Pedu Lake offers rich diversity of flora and fauna

PADANG TERAP, Jan 31 -- Pedu Lake or Tasik Pedu as it is better known among the locals, is undoubtedly an under-the-radar destination, however, for those who are adventurous enough to stray off the beaten tracks, this place offers a rich diversity of flora and fauna to lucky visitors.

To make it even more exciting, visitors will have the opportunity to see wild animals, especially herds of elephants that often visited the salt licks around the Kedah’s largest man-made lake, which is located about 80 kilometres from Alor Setar.

Pedu Lake Eco and Services operation manager Amir Wahab said working on an ecotourism packages featuring a boat house concept has given him an added advantage as he could take visitors to a number of salt licks in the area to see wild animals within the safe distance.

“We really prioritise the safety of our visitors, as this place is surrounded by wild, expanse of rainforest jungle, so seeing wildlife from the boat house is much safer as they can watch the animals without any obstructions.

“Thus far, our visitors have had the opportunities to see herds of elephants, as well as other animals such as rusa (deer) and seladang (gaur or Indian bison), but personally I think watching a herd of elephants is more exciting,” he told Bernama here.

Amir said as the jungle surrounding the Pedu Lake creates a corridor for wild animals to cross into the Thailand jungle, the area often witnessed the presents of elephants at the salt licks particularly in May.

“Thus far, we have received an impressive number of tourists, over 1,300 arrivals throughout last year, including those from European countries. This is exciting for a destination like ours as it is not as popular as other major tourist destinations,” said Amir, a former employee of a resort at Pedu Lake which has since closed due to plummeting tourist arrivals .

Apart from wild animals, visitors can also get a glimpse of variety of tree species in the dense jungle surrounding the lake which are not found elsewhere.

“Here we have that famous Tualang tree which synonymous to high quality wild Tualang honey, which is usually harvested by the end of February,” he said.

He said visitors who stayed at his boat house would also be served a variety of local dishes from freshly-caught fish including ‘baung’, ‘lampam’, ‘tengalan’, and shrimp as well as of a type of mussels locally known as ‘kedaya’ or ‘temagik’, found in the area, particularly during the current dry spell.

His boat house-based ecotourism activities also received the support of the Muda Agricultural Development Authority (MADA), which provided a wide range of assistance including solar power equipment and building a proper sewage system, he said.